Creating Everyday Meaning and Magic


Our lives are made meaningful by big things like how you love your family and what you think of God and how you treat other people but the thing that I am learning is that I also believe that your life is made meaningful & magical by small, everyday moments. The way that sun steams in when you wake up on a Saturday.  Books that feel like a breath of fresh air and wine under string lights. Opening up the mailbox to find a beautiful card from someone you love.


Moments like this are so easily past by and so easily overlooked in the pursuit of the big picture – the THING that will make your live meaningful. But what I am learning is that beauty matters. The everyday matters. Paying attention to wonder in the little everyday moments, makes a difference. The mortar between the big things.


I believe that God made this world and every person in it, intentionally, with a keen eye for the details. And the thing that I am learning is that this world is chock full of beauty, everywhere you look - once you start paying attention. And I have to believe that that too, is equally on purpose.


My hope and my dream for this blog, and everything that I make, is that it will provide a little window – a first stepping stone – into noticing the beauty in the everyday. Being aware and collecting these moments of everyday meaning and magic. Sharing these moments.


This moment matters.